How to register at Cryptohopper

  • Click the top right button “Get Started”
  • Fill your email, desired username, full name and password.
  • Check “I agree to Cryptohoppers Terms of Service”
  • Click “Get Started” and confirm your account

Let's Get Started!

When you sign in for the first time you immediately get to choose which exchange you want to connect your CryptoHopper to.


If you want to start with papertrading (practise mode) to get to know your CryptoHopper without using real funds.

Basic Configuration

– Fill in what your base cryptocurrency will be (which cryptocurrency you want to gain)
– Fill in your start amount to invest
– Fill in how much profit you want to make before the bot sells your holding.

Basic Information

Follow the steps listed by the HelpBot

Go ahead and start your tradingbot now. Log in at and try different strategies, various coin pairings and many other options. We will make posts about the different options available on If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Profit Grinder + Power Trader Strategie

On this page we have explained how you can start with our template and strategy, still have questions? let us know on telegram.